Friday, January 16, 2009

Ruffin Blaylock has Joined Pursuit, the Private Investigator Magazine

I just read Ruffin Blaylock's new article on using assault rifles and shotguns in bail enforcement and it was extremely insightful. Bounty Hunters often wonder if they should be carrying firearms and what types specifically are good for bounty hunting work and Ruffin's article exemplified experience and practical experience.

He'll make a great editor for the new online pi magazine's bail recovery category.

I forgot to mention that Pursuit Magazine, a private investigator magazine, has also set up a new MySpace account separate from the CompassPoint Investigation's account. Be sure to drop by and check out the new layout and add them as a friend. I understand that they are sending out subscriber-only notices and special content /sneak peeks to their MySpace friends so that might be a good resource for PIs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am really glad the private investigator community is starting to embrace social media in distributing content and resources. For this industry to survive (and still be able to pay the bills) -- PIs must start to understand "wikinomics" and how to operate a business model in a Web 2.0 world. "Hey! Can you friend me now?"